Daven Lee
Creator & Writer

This deck springs from my original practice, The Power of the Yin. Through classes, workshops and private deep-commitment programs, I help women and men come into a new relationship with their energy, their bodies and their power.

I do this by reconnecting them to the wisdom of the yin.

My work has developed out of a lifetime of learning and practicing somatic healing and movement arts, including qigong, sacred Daoist sexuality, and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy.

Qigong has been a gateway to the power of the yin. This meditative movement practice allows me to embody an archetype, tune in to the subtlety and movement of energy, connect with nature and her cycles, and cultivate my own natural power in physical form.

My experience as a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist has taught me about the multi-dimensional journey of healing, the wisdom of stillness, and the transformation that is possible when we go slow and drop in deep.

My motherhood journey and my sexual emergence as a woman connect me to the feminine experience across time and culture.  

I am passionate about supporting others to experience a new relationship with their sexual energy, or what I call the Sexual Soul. In my work I offer an invitation for my clients to remember, awaken and embody this essential life force energy for pleasure, intimacy with oneself and others, and creative flourishing.

Each card in this deck represents a power of the yin—principles, practices, ways of being, realms—that has emerged from these experiences in deep practice with myself and in supporting others.

I continue to be astonished and humbled by the power and wisdom of the yin. I am so honored to be able to serve the majesty of the yin by creating this deck.

“I offer this deck with the prayer that it may be a treasured companion on your personal journey, opening the way to your knowing and your potency, and ultimately guiding you home to the Power of Your Yin.”

I am also a dancer, the mother of two adult children, and the only daughter of two artists. 

I grew up in the Appalachian Mountains of upper East Tennessee. After living for 27 years in Santa Fe, New Mexico, I am now based in London. I work with clients all over the world in person and virtually.